Dua For Triumph Against Adversity

Are you looking for Dua For Triumph Against Adversity” Dua is the best way to overcome adversity, be it serious illness or business difficulties.

We are providing you here a Dua which by reciting you will definitely be able to win against adversity so let’s recite the Dua.

Dua For Triumph Against Adversity in English

Dua For Triumph Against Adversity in English


If you have any trouble in the form of illness, don’t just think it is fate, but go to a good doctor and get treatment and pray to Allah for deliverance from this trouble.

Similarly, if you have become unemployed due to circumstances in business, instead of worrying, try to get sustenance in a halal way.

Likewise, if your children have become disobedient, you should train them well, and pray together. In any trouble, it is not right to just pray without considering the external causes. One should first use the means of this world and then pray to Allah for deliverance from the trouble.

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