How to Make Tayammum Hanafi with complete Explain

You are looking for How to make Tayammum> Every question you have about Tayammum will be answered here. The literal meaning of Tayammum is “to intend”. In Shari’ah terminology, Tayammum means “wiping the hands with pure clay on the face and arms, including the elbows.” It means placing the hand on the pure clay and then rubbing the hand over the face and hands.

Tayammum is an Islamic practice that allows Muslims to perform dry ablution (ritual purification) when water is unavailable, or one cannot use water due to illness or other valid reasons. It’s a significant part of Islamic jurisprudence and is especially relevant for those following the Hanafi school of thought. In this post, we’ll explain the step-by-step process of performing Tayammum according to Hanafi Fiqh, its conditions, and the circumstances under which it can be done.

What is Tayammum?

Tayammum is a ritual that substitutes for the traditional Wudu (ablution) or Ghusl (full-body purification) when water is unavailable or used could be harmful. Instead of water, one uses clean Earth or dust to purify themselves in preparation for prayer or other religious activities.

Why is Tayammum Important?

In Islam, cleanliness and purity are crucial aspects of worship. Before performing prayers, Muslims are required to be in a state of physical and spiritual purity. Usually, this is achieved through Wudu or Ghusl, but Tayammum allows Muslims to maintain this purity in situations where water is scarce. The importance of Tayammum lies in its ability to ensure that a person can still fulfil their religious obligations even in challenging circumstances.

How to Make Tayammum In the Quran

In Shari’ah, Tayammum is ordered when water is unavailable for performing prayers and other matters. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah says:

How to Make Tayammum In Quran

How to do Tayammum Hanafi

How to do Tayammum Hanafi

Three things are obligatory in Tayammum:

  1. We intend that I perform tayammum to attain purity. There is no need to say this word with the tongue; only the intention in the heart is sufficient. On whom bath is obligatory.
  2. There is no need for a separate Tayammum for ablution, but the Tayammum of Ghusl alone is sufficient if a person cannot do Tayammum by himself due to disability.
  3. Then, another person should perform tayammum for him, but the intention will be carried out by the person who is performing tayammum.
  4. Wipe the entire mouth so that not even a tiny part is left.
  5. Turning both hands up to the elbows so that no part remains.

If women are wearing bangles or jewellery, they should remove it and do tayammum, and whoever is wearing a ring should also remove it or remove it from its place.

In Tayammum, intention is a condition. This is because ablution is done with water. Water is purifying by its very nature, so there is no need for intention, while soil itself is not purifying, so when you want to purify it, intention is necessary.

When is Tayammum Permissible

Tayammum is permissible in the following situations/instances:

  • A disease that is aggravated by ablution or bathing. In the case of water use, there is a risk of late recovery.
  • Water is not available, and there is no power to use it.
  • Don’t expect water for miles around.
  • The water is occupied by an enemy who risks being killed or dishonored in obtaining it.
  • A vermin occupying the water
  • Or there are vermin on the way.
  • There is a fear of missing the Eid prayer while performing ablution or bath.
  • The non-Wali should fear that the funeral prayer will be left, meaning the four Takbeers.

Tayammum is permissible in all these situations, but It is not permissible if water is available or if the patient is healthy.

How to do Tayammum on the wall

It is permissible to perform tayammum with any pure earth material, such as clay, stone, and sand. Earth neither melts nor burns to ashes when thrown into fire.

Tayammum with gold and silver is not permissible because they melt, and Tayammum with wood is not acceptable because it burns to ashes. But if there is dust on gold, silver or wood, then it is permissible.

How to do Tayammum at Home

The proper way of performing Tayammum is to spread the fingers of both hands and strike on the ground or something similar to the ground. Then remove your hand from him and sweep it away if it sticks around too much.

Wipe the whole face with it, then in the same way, strike the hands on the ground or the type of ground and wipe both hands from the nails to the elbows.

What things break Tayammum?

Tayammum will also be broken by things that break ablution or make Ghusl obligatory. As soon as the water is available and usable, it will be over. Finally, you can read dua for tayammum.

Tayammum without Sand/ Stone

Carry water for travel purposes. If this is not possible and there is no soil available or there is a problem with water freezing due to extreme cold,

So the jurists say that when going to such an area, take a board of wood, iron or something else with you and plaster it with mud.

Tayammum can be done on this board. Direct tayammum is not permissible on things not of the earth, so it is acceptable to perform tayammum on them if they are dusty or plastered with mud.


1. Can Tayammum be performed using any Earth or dust?

Yes, Tayammum can be performed with clean Earth, sand, stone, or any natural material that has dust. However, the material must be free from impurities.

2. Can Tayammum be done if water is available but cold?

If cold water poses a danger to health and there’s no way to warm it, Tayammum can be performed instead of Wudu or Ghusl.

3. Is Tayammum valid for all prayers?

Yes, Tayammum is valid for all obligatory and voluntary prayers as long as the conditions requiring it are still met.

4. Does Tayammum need to be renewed for every prayer?

If the condition that necessitated Tayammum persists, it must not be renewed for every prayer. However, if water becomes available or the condition is resolved, traditional Wudu or Ghusl must be performed.

5. What if someone performs Tayammum but later finds water?

If water is found after performing Tayammum, the person should perform Wudu or Ghusl for the following prayer. The previous prayers offered with Tayammum remain valid.


Tayammum is a compassionate provision in Islam that ensures no one is deprived of their ability to worship due to a lack of water or health issues. By following the correct procedure as outlined in the Hanafi school of thought, Muslims can maintain their spiritual purity and fulfil their religious duties even under challenging situations. Understanding when and how to perform Tayammum is essential for every Muslim, especially those who may encounter situations where traditional ablution is impossible.

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