Dua Before Sleeping at Night in English for Protection

Let’s see Dua before Sleeping at Night in English for Protection.” Many people say that Dua is a prayer the Prophet of Islam gives before sleeping. This Dua is one of the most essential prayer rituals in Islam.

It is essential to make your surroundings as conducive to sleep as possible. You can also recite the Surah Qadr or Surah Ikhlas and the wudhu.

A good sleeping environment is very important to achieve a deep sleep. It should be relaxed, dark and peaceful. It should be free of distractions, including the television or other electronic devices.

Make sure that your bedroom is comfortable and dark and that you have a sound sleep system so that you are completely at ease. A cool room is also better for sleep because it helps your body relax. A suitable room temperature should be between 65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

Before Sleeping Dua

Reciting Surah Qadr Inna-anzalna before sleeping is a practice that Muslims recommend. This ayah is the most essential prayer, as it has many benefits. First of all, it helps you achieve complete peace of mind. It is a beautiful prayer for sleep, encouraging one to avoid the world’s distractions.

Muslims recite specific prayers before they sleep. One such prayer is Surah Al-Mulk. This chapter of the Quran is a reminder to recite particular prayers before going to sleep.

These prayers will help you get a good night’s sleep and put your trust in the Almighty. Below are some of the best goodnight prayers you can recite before going to bed Dua before Sleeping.

Dua Before Sleeping at Night in English

Dua for Sleeping (Surah Ikhlas)

Reciting Surah Ikhlas before sleeping has many benefits, from making it easier to fall asleep to preventing insomnia. The supplication is a short prayer and should be recited at least 100 times daily, preferably during free time or before retiring to bed. By doing this, you will be giving Allah your full attention, and you will be more receptive to the blessings of Allah.

Surah Ikhlas is one-third of the Quran, and Muslim scholars believe that these four verses encapsulate the fundamental ideas of Islam. Reciting it before sleep may help you enter Paradise and win Allah’s favour. There are many benefits of reciting Surah Ikhlas before sleeping; we will explore them below.

Reciting Surah Ikhlas before sleep has many benefits, mainly because it helps you sleep more soundly. Reciting it before bed can help you avoid waking up with a sore throat the next day. Reciting Surah Ikhlas before sleeping is a powerful way to thank Allah for blessing you with peace of mind and an eternal, rewarding life.

Reciting Surah Ikhlas before sleeping is a great way to start your day with the blessings of Allah and make your dreams pleasant. In fact, the Prophet recommended that we recite Surah Ikhlas before sleeping, and in this way, we can get rid of the stress that comes with bad dreams.

Recite wudhu before Sleeping.

There are certain times during the day when you should recite wudhu. These times include prayer times, after Ghusl, and after your monthly cycle. The purpose of reciting wudhu is to cleanse your physical and spiritual self.

Reciting wudhu before sleeping is not only beneficial for your health but also serves as a barrier against demons. This act is a form of preventive medicine. In addition to making you sleep more peacefully and comfortably, reciting wudhu before sleep can make the night more productive.

Before going to bed, you should remember what you have done during the day and remember Allah. Remembering Allah before bed is an excellent way to ensure you have a peaceful sleep.

The Holy Prophet had his rituals, and reciting wudhu before bed was one of them. And if you suffer from dreams that disturb your sleep, reciting moawazatain will help you overcome the bad ones.

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Etiquette of Sleeping

  • The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade sleeping on a roof without a wall. This is because a person should not fall from the roof due to negligence in his sleep.
  • Weak eyesight and hair loss are some of the major problems of the present age, which causes people to look very anxious and try their best to get rid of it. If you look, there is a solution in the teachings of the Holy Prophet, which is to apply Kohl while sleeping at night.
  • Sweeping the bed before going to bed is one of the etiquette of sleeping, and the servant should sweep his bed when he intends to lie down because there may be some predators on his bed, which may harm him.
  • When you plan to go to bed at night, turn off the light to avoid any damage.
  • It is forbidden to lie on one’s stomach because it is an uncivilized and unnatural way, while Islam is a religion of nature and prefers natural ways in all matters.
  • It is a blessing to start every good deed from the right side, just as sleeping on the right while sleeping is a blessing.
  • Before going to sleep, think about all the affairs of your day and pray this, too, dua for success.


He should be held accountable for what he has done all day long before going to bed, and if he has harmed anyone, he should ask forgiveness before going to bed and if he has harmed anyone, he should forgive him for the sake of Allah.

While sleeping, intend to get up in the morning, remember Allah, offer Fajr prayers and recite the Qur’an Majeed. This prayer should be recited after waking up in the morning.

Dua after sleeping in arabic and english

We should make these deeds a habit in our lives; of course, it will not harm us but only benefit us. We should make our lives so that our being harms no human being, but we become beneficial for the whole universe.

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