How to Pray Namaz step by step for Male and Female

Let us teach you how to Pray Namaz step by step for Male and Female.” Prayer is one of the most important duties imposed on Muslims by Allah Almighty. Prayer has been called the pillar of religion. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has declared Prayer the main pillar of religion.

Just as no building can survive without pillars, the building of religion cannot survive without iqamah salat. To maintain the structure of religion, the servant must establish prayers.

The importance and virtue of performing prayers can be gauged from the fact that prayers are mentioned in about seven hundred places in the Quran.

The method of performing prayers includes some conditions of prayers, duties, obligations, and Sunnahs and Mustahabs. The worshiper should remember them separately so there is no defect in the Prayer.

How to Pray Namaz step by step In Pictorial

For your convenience, we have presented the complete method of Prayer in pictorial form, which you can easily understand and perform your Prayer.

How to Pray Namaz step by step In Pectoral 

You need to know the following before praying, so read the instructions below thoroughly.

Conditions of Prayer

There are six conditions of Prayer:

  • Purification means that the body and clothes of the worshiper should be clean.
  • The place of Prayer should be clean.
  • The part of the body that is supposed to be covered should be hidden. Satar for a man is from the navel to the knee, and for a woman, the whole body is Satar except for the hands, feet, and face.
  • Welcome to the Qiblah, i.e., face, and chest towards the Qiblah.
  • Time means performing the prayers on time.
  • The intention is the name of the firm intention of the heart, although it is mustahabb to say it with the tongue.
  • These conditions must be met before starting the prayers; otherwise, the prayers will not take place.

Duties of Prayer

There are seven duties of Prayer:

  • Saying Takbir-e-Tahrima means Allahu Akbar
  • Qiyam means standing up and offering prayers. Performing Qiyam in the obligatory water, wajib, and Sunnah prayers is obligatory. It is not obligatory to stay in the supererogatory prayers
  • Recitation means reciting a verse. It is obligatory in the first two rak’ahs of Farz and every rak’ah of Sunnah Witr and Nawafil, while the follower will not recite in any prayer
  • To bow
  • To prostrate
  • The last qa’idah means to complete the Prayer and sit at the end
  • Exit with a slam
  • If even one of these duties is left, the prayers will not be performed even if the prostration of forgetfulness is performed

WA Jabs of Prayer

Among the fourteen WA jabs in Prayer are:

  • Recitation in the first two rak’ahs of the obligatory prayers
  • Recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah in every rak’ah of all prayers except the third and fourth rak’ahs of obligatory prayers.
  • In the first two rak’ahs of the obligatory prayers and all the rak’ahs of the WA jabs, Sunnah, and supererogatory prayers after Surah Al-Fatihah, recite a surah or a significant verse or three short verses.
  • Recite Surah Al-Fatihah before any other Surah.
  • Maintaining order in recitation, bowing, prostrations, and rak’ahs.
  • Qoma means standing up from bowing.
  • Jalsa means sitting upright between the two prostrations.
  • Performing Ruku, Sajdah, etc., with satisfaction.
  • In the first qa’dah, that is, in the Prayer of three or four rak’ats, after two rak’ats, it is equivalent to tashahhud.
  • Recite tashahhud in both
  • Imam’s Fajr, Maghrib, Isha, Eid, Taraweeh, and Ramadan recitations aloud, and the Zuhr and Asr prayers slowly voice
  • Concluding the Prayer with “assalamu o alaikum.”
  • Saying Takbir for Qunoot in Witr prayers and reciting Dua Qunoot.
  • Saying extra takbeers in Eid prayers

The Sunnah of Prayer

Things are proved by the Holy Prophet (saws) in prayers, but their emphasis is not equal to obligatory, and WA jabs are called Sunan. The following are the Sunnahs in Prayer:

  • Raise both hands to the ears before saying Takbir Tahrima
  • Keep the fingers of both hands open and facing the Qiblah as usual
  • Do not bow your head while saying Takbir
  • Imam’s takbeer Tahrima and saying all takbeers aloud
  • Tying the right hand under the navel on the left-hand
  • Reading Taawoz and Tasmiya
  • It is obligatory to recite only Surah Al-Fatihah in the third and fourth rak’ahs of the Prayer
  • Say amen
  • Slow recitation of Sana, Taawoz, Tasmiya, and Amen
  • To recite according to the Sunnah means to recite the Qur’an as much as it is Sunnah to recite in Prayer
  • Recite Tasbeeh three times in Ruku and Sajdah
  • In Ruku, keep the head and back aligned and hold the knees with the open fingers of both hands
  • When prostrating, first keep both knees, then both hands, nose, then forehead, and when getting up, do the opposite, i.e., first forehead, then the nose, then hands, and then knees
  • Sit in it with your left foot spread out in the jalsa and qadha, and keep the right foot upright so that the tips of your toes are facing the Qiblah and both hands are on the thighs
  • Recitation of Durood-e-Ibrahimi after tashahhud
  • Praying after Durood Ibrahimi
  • Say Salam First to the right, then to the left

Mustahabs in Prayer

  • Keep an eye on the place of prostration while standing
  • Keep an eye on the steps while bowing
  • Keep an eye on the tip of the nose in prostration
  • Keep an eye on the lap in qadha
  • Keep an eye on the right and left shoulder while saluting
  • To stop Jamai from coming
  • Men should take their hands out of the cloth for takbeer Tahrima and keep women inside
  • Trying to stop coughing
  • There should be a distance of at least four toes between the two feet while standing

The Corruptors of Prayer

Due to some deeds, the Prayer is broken, and it becomes necessary to return it:

  • Talking in Prayer
  • To greet
  • Reply to greetings
  • Sighing or sighing because of pain and trouble (but crying over the remembrance of heaven and hell does not invalidate the Prayer)
  • When you sneeze, say Alhamdulillah
  • On the bad news, read Inna lillahi…
  • Saying Alhamdulillah on the good news
  • Reading the Qur’an by sight
  • Food and drink
  • A lot of action means doing something that makes the viewer think that he is not in Prayer
  • Laughing with laughter


It is haraam to break the Prayer without an excuse, but in some cases, it is permissible to do so. For example, it is permissible to break the prayers if one fears losing one’s wealth. It is obligatory to save one’s life, whether it is one’s own or the life of a Muslim.

Sitting down to break the Prayer is unnecessary, but it is enough to greet one side while standing.

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