Ruling on Telephone and Internet Marriage in Islam

Lets see about Ruling on Telephone and Internet Marriage in Islam? Some people have arranged marriages by telephone, but nowadays, modern media like the Internet is also used for this purpose. What is the legal status of marriage on the telephone and Internet? News of marriages on the phone and the Internet is published in the newspapers every day.

The views of scholars and muftis of Islamic countries can also be read. Some people are convinced of legitimacy, and some are not. The real issue is the conditions of marriage. If they are fulfilled, the marriage is permissible, and if one or more of these conditions cannot be fulfilled, the marriage will not take place.

Marriage in Islam

According to Shari’ah, the best way of marriage is for at least two sane and mature Muslim men or one man and two women to be called witnesses and accepted between men and women in exchange for the dowry, and the sermon should be recited.

The parties and other members and relatives should be present on the occasion of the marriage. Nikah should be recited in mosques, and on the occasion of marriage, tambourine, drums, etc., should be played, and songs of marriage and happiness should be sung. The husband should arrange Williama’s invitation according to his ability.

What is Telephone and Internet Marriage?

Definition and Explanation

Telephone and internet marriage refers to conducting the marriage contract (nikah) over telecommunication means, such as a phone call or online video conferencing. This method has become increasingly popular, especially when the bride and groom are in different locations and cannot physically be present for the ceremony.

Historical Context

Historically, marriage in Islam has been a social event, bringing families and communities together. However, with globalization and the spread of diaspora communities, traditional practices are being adapted to fit modern lifestyles. Telephone and internet marriages are one such adaptation.

Islamic Rulings on Marriage

Basic Requirements for a Valid Nikah

In Islam, a valid marriage contract (nikah) must fulfil several essential requirements:

  • Consent of both parties
  • Presence of witnesses
  • Offer and acceptance (Ijab and Qabul)
  • Mahr (dowry) agreement

Traditional vs. Modern Approaches

While the traditional approach involves physical presence, scholars have debated whether modern communication technologies can fulfil the requirements of a valid nikah.

Scholarly Opinions on Telephone and Internet Marriage

Supportive Views

Some Islamic scholars argue that as long as the essential requirements of a nikah are met, a marriage conducted via telephone or the Internet is valid. They highlight the importance of intention and fulfilling Islamic legal criteria, irrespective of physical presence.

Key Points:

  • Consent must be given and understood.
  • Witnesses should be present, either physically with the parties or virtually.
  • The offer and acceptance must be explicit and unambiguous.

Opposing Views

Other scholars caution against telephone and internet marriages, citing concerns about identity verification and the potential for fraud or miscommunication. They emphasize the traditional values of marriage and the importance of physical presence.

Key Points:

  • Risks of impersonation or deceit.
  • Lack of physical community support.
  • Potential technical issues during the ceremony.

Telephone and Internet Marriage in Islam

E-mail, satellite, Internet and telephone are the most modern gifts from Allah to human society in modern times. They need to be used with caution. On the one hand, the family is scattered.

Some are in Pakistan, while others are based in England, the USA, Japan, France, Europe, Africa and Australia for employment. The earth is shrinking, and distances are shrinking. Morning here in the evening on another continent. Time is busy, and opportunities are gone.

People from Pakistan and other backward areas go to Europe, America and other rich countries to earn a living, as the rest of their relatives live in the country. These people have many problems regarding the marriage of their children.

Deciding on proper ‘relationship’, ‘seeing and liking each other’, setting conditions, ‘dowry’ etc. The whole family comes and goes from one country to another, preparing travel documents, obtaining NOC, enormously reduced fares, etc.

That’s why some people want boys and girls to live in their homes. Set the terms. Once the marriage is consummated, it will be easier for the girl or boy to go out and obtain travel documents and the nationality and citizenship of these countries. The parties will be able to go out shortly after the marriage.

Now the problem is getting married, with a boy here and a girl there. How can the conditions for marriage and the presence of two witnesses be fulfilled?

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Marriage Practical Tip

  • First, get the marriage forms and fill them out completely. Send the documents to the party from the country for his name, address and signature.
  • For example, if the boy is out, the groom, his lawyer and two witnesses of his lawyer should send out all four marriage forms to sign at least the names, complete addresses and specific places of the three.
  • They will fill it up and send it back. Fill out the rest of the form here. Tell the boy and all three of them all the necessary information about the girl and the details of the dowry.
  • The girl is here with her name, address, the name of her lawyer, and the names and addresses of the two witnesses who made the lawyer and got them all signed. Then, two marriage witnesses are made, and their names, addresses, and signatures are obtained.
  • When both parties know the truth, place the telephone set in front of the marriage instructor—all relevant people whose names are written on the form. Sit here and there.
  • Now, take the marriage form in hand and ask the boy’s name on the mic, whether on the telephone or the Internet. What is the father’s name? Also, can you find out if he is getting married today? Which girl is she from, and where is she from?
  • If there is any other condition in the name of the girl’s father, ‘Haq Mahr‘, he should also ask her to marry him. The speaker should be turned on so that other people can hear.
  • When the boy does all these things and gives permission for marriage, he should be asked who his lawyer is here. Who is his father, etc?
  • Now get permission from the girl and marry this girl to this boy. Get the boy to answer the telephone in front of his witnesses. At the same time, you should ask the boy’s lawyer to accept the marriage proposal.
  • The boy’s lawyer says that I accepted such and such a girl in exchange for such a dowry in front of these witnesses under these conditions for the marriage of such and such client.
  • Suppose there is a complete arrangement over the telephone. Let the parties get to know each other, and the marriage will occur.

He should also use the second method of performing Nikah so that the party present will accept and accept it. But the lawyer of the party who is abroad, whose name is written on the marriage form, should be here.

FAQs about Telephone and Internet Marriage in Islam

Is telephone or internet marriage valid in Islam?

Yes, they provided that all essential requirements of a nikah are met and there is explicit consent from both parties with the presence of witnesses.

Can witnesses be present virtually?

Many scholars agree that witnesses can be present virtually as long as they can hear and see the proceedings and confirm the parties’ identities.

What are the risks associated with telephone and internet marriage?

Risks include potential fraud, identity verification issues, and technical problems. It’s crucial to take necessary precautions to mitigate these risks.

How can I ensure my telephone or internet marriage is recognized?

Consult with knowledgeable scholars or local religious authorities, and follow their guidance to ensure that your marriage meets all Islamic legal requirements.


The ruling on telephone and internet marriage in Islam varies among scholars, with some supporting it as a valid method and others raising concerns. By understanding the essential requirements of a nikah and taking necessary precautions, Muslims can navigate this modern approach to marriage while adhering to their faith. The evolving nature of technology and its integration into religious practices underscores the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in the Muslim community.

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